Posts Tagged ‘sisters’

Fun times

November 19th, 2009

I know all of my posts are about having fun, but that’s all I get to do! I’m so blessed to get to do what I love each and every day. I get to photograph these two sisters every year. I love big toothless grins, I’ve had so many little girls with no front teeth […]


I know all of my posts are about having fun, but that’s all I get to do! I’m so blessed to get to do what I love each and every day. I get to photograph these two sisters every year. I love big toothless grins, I’ve had so many little girls with no front teeth lately. It makes me sad, when Madisen, my oldest, lost her two front teeth I took one of my most favorite pictures of her with her tongue sticking out through the space, so I had always intended to recreate that with Lindsey. It never happened, she didn’t loose hers at the same time 🙁 Oh well, I’ve enjoyed photographing all these others with their snaggle teeth. I laughed so hard during this session, the little one kept her finger in her mouth and I constantly asked her to put it down, well one time I said why do you keep biting your finger. Her response “I have a hangnail”! She just turned two, what two year old knows what a hangnail is??? I laughed and laughed at that.

Christmas deadline reminder~December 1~All orders need to be in by this date to ensure you receive them in time for Christmas. I will be going out of town so I want to get you all taken care of first.

And just a warning for any future clients coming for a session at my house. Just ignore the massive mess we have going on. We are doing some construction on our home and it kind of looks like a war zone around here. But don’t worry where all of the sessions take place is away from where my house sits, it’s nice and pretty over there!

Ok enough rambling, here’s these two sweet girls….








Tea time

November 16th, 2009

These two little cuties had me laughing from the time they got here. Tons of personality! Just a reminder to all clients any orders that you want in before Christmas needs to be placed by December 1. I will be on vacation the week before Christmas so I’ll need the orders in early so I […]


These two little cuties had me laughing from the time they got here. Tons of personality!

Just a reminder to all clients any orders that you want in before Christmas needs to be placed by December 1. I will be on vacation the week before Christmas so I’ll need the orders in early so I can get them to you before I leave. Christmas cards are available too, you can find those in the pricing section of my website.





