baby boy

Brand new baby boy. I love photographing these sweet babies.

My poor blog is being neglected, I’ve got lots and lots of sessions I need to post. Maybe soon I can get them all on here. So since I’m behind, I’ll just share a huge post of this little man! I’ve got a baby girl to hopefully blog next week. I’ve got lots and lots of dance pictures to finish editing, so everything else is kind of on hold right now. Summer sessions are booking up. June is booked, July does have some time left.

Meet Mr. Hollis….











8 Responses to “baby boy”

  1. Stacy Hebert says:

    Awww Kim they turned out so good : )

  2. Reba says:

    So sweet.

  3. Jacquella Manuel says: did an awesome job with Hollis!!

  4. melissa says:

    So sweet Kim! Love them all!

  5. Piper says:

    Sooo very cute, such a handsome little man!!!

  6. Norma Davis says:

    Kim..They are beautiful, you did a wonderful job. I don’t know which one I want!!

  7. Amanda Parker says:

    Sooo cute! Congrats Jason and Kim on the birth of Hollis…enjoy every minute! They do grow up very fast! Steve and Norma…I know you both are just the proud grandparents…and rightfully so!

    Amanda Parker
    Goldsboro, NC

  8. Dannielle says:

    These are some of the cutest pictures I have ever seen! And how special for baby Hollis.

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