My wonderful assistant for this busy senior season!! Since she was the model this day we put her mom to work. She’s a pretty good reflector holder too! Get ready Hailey….you also will have so many to choose from.
I love wind blown hair!!
How fun is this…look at the dirt flying up!
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on Thursday, February 18th, 2010 at 6:46 pm and is filed under High School Seniors. Tags: childrens photography, family, high school photography, High school senior, kids pictures, kim tyler, kim tyler photography, kim tyler seniors, kinder, kinder graduate, kinder high, kinder high senior, kinder louisiana, kinder louisiana maternity, kinder louisiana photographer, kinder louisiana pictures, kinder photographer, louisiana children pictures, school picture, senior girl, senior photographs, senior photography, senior pictures. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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