This is it

This is my last senior session of the year. We had fun, I’m surprised they are in focus I was laughing so much. It was another crazy windy day and we really had to fight to find spots where the wind wasn’t nuts…but we did it.


He had a hard time being serious for very long. Most of them look like the 2nd one right after the serious face.



2 Responses to “This is it”

  1. jennifer kilpatrick says:

    love them all!

  2. Penny Bergeron says:

    These are great!!!!! Kevin, I seen every last one & Ilike all of them. They are soo “YOU”!! HA!HA! I LOVE the one that you either look like your praying or “UP TO SOMETHING”!! I am very proud of you & you alway’s make me smile!!!

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