Here’s quite a few photographs from Paige’s senior session last week. I was so happy to work with this family again, I photographed her brother’s senior portraits a couple years ago. As usual I got carried away.
Paige ~ Hathaway High SeniorApril 5th, 2013Here’s quite a few photographs from Paige’s senior session last week. I was so happy to work with this family again, I photographed her brother’s senior portraits a couple years ago. As usual I got carried away. |

Kelli Rae ~ Kinder High SeniorMarch 21st, 2013Here’s another beautiful senior from Kinder. She’s the baby of the family, I’ve photographed her two brothers over the years and can’t believe it’s Kelli’s turn already. Time went by fast! Love, love, love working with this family. |

Chelsea ~ Iota High SeniorMarch 14th, 2013I had the pleasure of meeting Chelsea and her mom last week to photograph her for her senior photos. I photographed her cousin’s senior photos a couple years ago, and I’m so happy they chose me too! She kept it simple and only brought 4 outfits, but I just couldn’t keep it simple and only […] |
I had the pleasure of meeting Chelsea and her mom last week to photograph her for her senior photos. I photographed her cousin’s senior photos a couple years ago, and I’m so happy they chose me too! She kept it simple and only brought 4 outfits, but I just couldn’t keep it simple and only take a few photos. And I told them the more outfits you bring the harder the decisions are, but somehow I still managed to make the decisions hard for them, she is beautiful and did an awesome job….sorry about that, I tend to get carried away sometimes!!
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Mr. Kingston ~ Children/baby PhotographyMarch 12th, 2013Sweet Kingston came to see me last week for his photos. Loved his beautiful blue eyes, he was so laid back and relaxed. Hence why he is having to sit in a basket, his mom said he has no interest in learning to sit up on his own! I know the next time I see […] |
Sweet Kingston came to see me last week for his photos. Loved his beautiful blue eyes, he was so laid back and relaxed. Hence why he is having to sit in a basket, his mom said he has no interest in learning to sit up on his own! I know the next time I see him he will be running around everywhere.
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The Fontenot FamilyMarch 11th, 2013The rain stayed away and we were able to get these family photos taken. It was pretty wet here at my house so we went and used the old church. I love that place…such a pretty location. |

Allison~Kinder High SeniorMarch 1st, 2013Whew, it’s pretty embarrassing to see how long it has been since I have blogged anything. I forgot the link to sign into this blog it has been so long, I had to look it up. I hope to get back into the swing of thins. I have so many past sessions I need to […] |
Whew, it’s pretty embarrassing to see how long it has been since I have blogged anything. I forgot the link to sign into this blog it has been so long, I had to look it up. I hope to get back into the swing of thins. I have so many past sessions I need to come put photos of on here.
Here’s a beautiful senior I photographed last week that will be graduating from Kinder this year.
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Cassidy ~ Iowa High SeniorAugust 27th, 2012I met Cassidy and her mom last week for her session. She was full of ideas and so prepared for her session. I love when my seniors have ideas to make their session “their own”. She is quite active in 4H and does a good bit of traveling with it (I’m a little jealous) so […] |
I met Cassidy and her mom last week for her session. She was full of ideas and so prepared for her session. I love when my seniors have ideas to make their session “their own”. She is quite active in 4H and does a good bit of traveling with it (I’m a little jealous) so we incorporated that into her session also.
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Kate ~ Kinder High SeniorAugust 24th, 2012This will be the biggest blog post in history. But that’s okay, Kate gets special treatment. I can not believe she is graduating, I remember the day she came home from the hospital! Kate is my first cousin, my mom and her mom are sisters. I’ve babysat her, she has babysat my kids, just doesn’t […] |
This will be the biggest blog post in history. But that’s okay, Kate gets special treatment. I can not believe she is graduating, I remember the day she came home from the hospital! Kate is my first cousin, my mom and her mom are sisters. I’ve babysat her, she has babysat my kids, just doesn’t seem like she should be graduating!!! I knew this session was going to be great, and this is only her first one, we have more planned!
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Lily & Evan ~ Children’s photographyAugust 23rd, 2012I was able to spend some time with Lily and Evan the other day. I’ve photographed them for a few years now. They now live in Texas so we have to plan sessions around their visits back to Louisiana to see their family. We lucked out that we were able to reschedule them due to […] |
I was able to spend some time with Lily and Evan the other day. I’ve photographed them for a few years now. They now live in Texas so we have to plan sessions around their visits back to Louisiana to see their family. We lucked out that we were able to reschedule them due to rain, but we were able to get the session in before they went back home.
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Clark ~ Children’s PhotographyAugust 19th, 2012Well Mr. Clark is 18 months old now. I’ve photographed him since he was born, I love watching him grow through all of his sessions. And has he grown, he is so tall, his dr’s say he is off the charts! We were fighting mosquitos and the heat to get his session taken care of, […] |
Well Mr. Clark is 18 months old now. I’ve photographed him since he was born, I love watching him grow through all of his sessions. And has he grown, he is so tall, his dr’s say he is off the charts! We were fighting mosquitos and the heat to get his session taken care of, but we did it. Hopefully he didn’t get too many bites while here.